Monday, November 13, 2006

This weekend is our official moving weekend. We are moving to the county I now work in. My county is large, pretty, includes a lake, good people.....God's Country Kids! We are soooo excited! Fenway can't wait to meet his new backyard! Oh and Mike just heard that he is also going to have a shorter drive to work too! Super cool! He is transferring to a very custom high cotton home development in Chapel Hill only 15mins. from our new rental house. House......that sounds so much cooler than apt. It does sucks having a bit of a drive to see our friends, but I have always believed that distance is the best test of friendship! I mean, the rest of you MO & KY kids have made it happen right...and this is only a 45min. type distance. No sweat! I may not be able to get online for a few days while moving, but I'll update ya as soon as I can. Wish Us Luck, Ya'll!

"Moving to the country, gonna eat alot of peaches..."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I was looking at pictures and I realized that in the last ten years I have experienced so much. I have friends from all over the country. I've traveled the world. I have loved and lost and loved some more. I have had triumphs and failures. I've been depressed and elated. I've been lost and saved. Life is one crazy roller coaster ride with no chicken exit. I've always been afraid of dying without really having a chance to do some living. If my life keeps this pace I can not even imagine what I'll experience in my lifetime. But even if my dayz were done tomorrow...I could say I got my chance to do some living....and that is a thought bigger than my little mind can I wrote it down.

I LoVe YoU AlL! LiFe Is GoINg On, TaKe PArt!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I am sooooooooo excited! I am the new Deputy Fire Marshal of Chatham County, North Carolina. Whooooooo Hooooooo! Call me, I'd love to tell ya alllll about it! :)