Sunday, September 06, 2009

15 Weeks!!!

So I'm 15 weeks now. New things to deal with seem to be headaches, blurred vision, and dizziness. These are new. Its not all the time but annoying enough. The sickness comes and goes but seems to stay gone for longer periods of time. I've got more energy now. I just picked up a little part time job at a Salon & Spa in Kenwood. It seems that I feel better when I do things. I'm tired of sitting around the house. I hope working won't be too much. I think part time was the right moved to make. This way I have something to do, make a little cash, and still can make it to my many doctor apts.

Our friends Laura and Stephen came in to visit this Labor weekend. We are going to watch the WEBN fireworks tonight. I'm pretty excited. They brought us gifts from Raleigh. Our friends Tyler and Jacque got us the cutest plush monkey and onesies with matching bibs and hats. Very cute! They have little monkeys on some of them. Laura and Stephen hooked us up with a kick ass baby Hurricanes jersey! Boy or Girl they are gonna be hooked up. Thanks guys!

Monkey Update:
Baby's now the size of a naval orange!Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.

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