Have a bunch of empty plastic Easter eggs cast aside by your little one? Here's an upcycle craft perfect for keeping those sugared up little hands busy. We used all the bottoms of the eggs for this snake. You can use the tops to make a second snake if you would like. We are saving ours for craft time another day. Simply puncture a hole in the bottom center of all the eggs for your little one. Cut them a piece of string (or whatever you have around) and knot the bottom. Attach a bread tie to the unknotted end for easy threading through the eggs. Give your little one a pile of eggs and the string and let them string away. Keep one whole egg for the head.
We also turned the first egg the opposite way to create a butt as my little dude called it. When they are done knot the string to keep the eggs from falling off. Don't trim the string as this is the tongue. I let my 4 yr. old use my sharpie to draw on eyes. Younger ones you can do this step for them. He also colored the tongue red. To kick this activity up a notch to an educational level I numbered all the "scales" for counting practice.
(Side note: This would also be a great project for the classroom. Maybe ask parents to send a bag of empty eggs to school with them.)