Ok, It's is now 5:00 PM on St. Patrick's Day. You've seen all the over-achiever Mommies on Facebook or Pintrest sharing their craft projects they have done with their kids and think to yourself...I wish I would have thought about doing something with the kids. You're thinking to yourself.... I didn't plan anything, I'm not that artistic or crafty, I don't have time to run to the store for supplies. Well, busy Mommy these crafts are for you! I bet you have the time, artistic ability, and the supplies to pull these off, make dinner, and post your pictures on your Instagram or Facebook account before the bedtime routine begins! Let's go!

2.) Pick out a rock.
3.) Bring it inside.
4.) Get out the green paint you have stashed away somewhere.
5.) Let your child paint the rock.
(Note: You may want to explain a head of time that they need to wait for the paint to dry before kissing their stone for good luck. Never assume a toddler knows anything. Ha ha The paint came right off his lips with a wet wipe though. Ha ha)
Green Squishy Sensory Bag for Baby

1.) Squeeze some green food coloring (or whatever you have that is green..even a box of green jello powder could work) in a Ziploc bag.
2.) Add some flour and water.
3.) Make sure it is closed tight and squish it all around to make green goo.
Done! Give to darling baby to touch, poke, and inevitably try to put in their mouth.
Hand print Leprechauns

If you have some finger paint, a marker, and some paper you are good to go.No artistic ability required. Very low level of drawing difficulty.
1.) Paint hand red and make hand print on the paper. This will be the beard. (Hint: fingers point down.)
2.) Take the marker and draw eyes (they can just be dots), a nose ( a curved line), a mouth in the beard (a larger dot), and pointy ears (think Spock).
3.) Use your finger and glob on some red hair.
4.) Use some of the green paint from the Blarney Stone and paint on a hat.
5.) If you want to go all out, give the hat a yellow buckle.
Done! Hang that baby on the fridge for months to remind everyone, in case they forget, that you are one Rockin' Mommy! Ha ha
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