Sunday, November 17, 2013

Paper Roll Turkey - Thanksgiving Craft for Kids

This is a great low cost, fun craft to do with your kids during the Fall.  They make adorable handmade decorations for Thanksgiving!  How much you help will depend on your child's age and skill level.  I had a dinner party with other Mommies and I pre-made the turkeys and just let the kids color the feathers.  My son who will be turning 4 in three months wanted to make his own at a later date. He was able to fold the paper plate in half.  Cut along the folded line while I held the paper plate for him.  Push the stapler down after I put it in place.  He then made his own face and colored the feathers.  So this would be a great craft for a play date with children of mixed ages as it can appeal to all skill levels.  

You will need the following: Paper Plate, Empty Toilet Paper Roll or a Paper Towel Roll cut into smaller sizes, Scissors, a Stapler (glue or tape could work as well), and Colors and/or other Decorating Materials.  (Remember if doing this craft with little ones google eyes and other pieces that can be ripped off may not be the best to use due to choking hazards.)  

Here is another cute Fall craft made with an empty paper roll that my Friend Amy just posted on Facebook.

Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving! 

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