Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nanny Dearest

I am now a licensed real estate agent, but that my friend is only half the battle. Now I have to market myself...get my name out there. It is hard to market yourself if you aren't making any money yet. Everything cost money...my business cards, yard signs, desk fees, etc. So to fuel the marketing funds I have taken a little side job. Hold on to your seats kids! You're not ready for this... Sarah is a part time nanny. lol I do this on a on call basis. The service calls with jobs and I decided if I want to take them or not. I have also taken one job that will be a kind of permanent job for now. Crazy stuff! Who would have thought the chick everyone said doesn't have a motherly instinct in her body now takes care of lots of little ones of all kinds of ages. I love it, I really do! Pretty good money too! The perfect compliment/funding for my real estate until stuff gets rolling. That's a lot to take in...So I'll leave you to ponder this for a bit... :)

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