Monday, September 18, 2006

Our First Wedding Anniversary

Just wanted to share some pictures with you of our 1st wedding anniversary. It was awesome! On your first wedding anniversary you are suppose to give a gift of paper. Mike made me a dozen paper roses in a vase and on each rose he wrote 10 things he loves about me and he got me card with a couple on the beach. I wrote down 100 Things I Love About Mike and I gave him something I had been holding on to for a long time. Since May of 2002 to be exact. Background: On 05/20/02 I was eating lunch at a Chinese place with my friend Mandy in Northern Kentucky while visiting. Mike and I had been dating for a few months. When it was time to open our fortune cookies Mandy convienced me to ask my cookie what was in store for me and Mike in the future. It said, "You will witness a special ceremony". Being the love crazy girls we were we decided that I should date the back of the fortune and hold on to it for good luck. I guess it worked because here we are celebrating our One Year Wedding Anniversary and I gave Mike that fortune in a frame as part of his anniversary gift. How perfect that one year anniversaries you are suppose to give paper! Enjoy the pics.

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