Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This morning the kids and I observed the 9/11 moment of silence with the news cast. Of course my quizative 3 year was ready with questions and why's. Here's our convo. Parents, how do/did you handle this talk with your kids? 

Mason: Why we do this?
Me: We are quite to show respect and sadness.
Mason: Why? 
Mr: Because on this day, years ago a bad man hurt Americans and the Heroes that were trying to help them in two very tall buildings called the World Trade Center. 
Mason: Heroes like superheroes?
Me: No, real life heroes like firemen, policemen, and the ambulance doctors. 
Madon: Why the bad man do that? 
Me: No one knows why there are bad people or why bad things happen. But know this bad man is gone and we pray for God's protection. 

He drew this picture and it is almost scary how accurate it is. He said it is of a "fire-hero" and the "world buildings".  He then tells me that he wants to take it to the firemen.  So before his AWANA class at church we stopped by the firehouse with donuts and Mason's picture. I am so proud of my little man.

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