Thursday, May 18, 2006

I Am Who I Am

It has taken me 24yrs. to realize that I Am Who I Am, and damit I Rock! I don't need the piercings anymore, the hair dye with the dramatic haircut, I kind of have to keep my tattoos but they mean alot to me....very that is OK. I don't need to listen to the one type of music, to read certain books or any books at all, play a musical instrument my friends will dig, get into deep philosophical debates to prove how Not Shallow I am, I can grow up leave that crap behind and not be OLD, not be OUT OF TOUCH, or lose my APPEAL.....I still respect those who hold such things close and still need them to identify themselves, but I just feel that Sarah is a good person to be at this stage in life and I'm gonna focus on that instead! I don't want to limit myself by trying to stay true to a solid should change and evolve as time goes on! I need to change and evolve as time goes on! I will change and evolve as time goes on! I Am Who I Am...that will change and that will be OK!

(thank you for reading another chaper of Sarah's self-help blog series, we hope you enjoyed today's reading...LOL)

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