Monday, May 15, 2006

I Need GOD Back In My Life....ASAP

It took me awhile too see that the emptiness and being unfullfilled isn't going to be fixed by a new purse, a new car, a new puppy, a new career, that week vaction at the beach to get away, a new hobby - something I can really get into and relieve stress, or maybe working out more and getting into shape......Sounded good and one by one as I got these things nothing changed......I finally get it.....As long as my life is centered around ME I will never be happy, I will never feel fullfilled, because I don't have the power to create my world and create my happiness no matter how great or smart I think I am......Wow, God must really be laughing at me lately! I need God back in my life. I need to give Him back the Pilot seat and scoot on over to the co-pilot seat and start enjoying life again! My heart is full, when my faith is strong! Thank you God!

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