The website "The Cutest Blog on the Block" now provides a way for you to have your blog professionally-published in a Blog Book that you design yourself. I often thought about printing my blog out to make a book. My personal blog pretty much documents my life since 2005. I have shared many life events on it such as my pregnancies What would happen if the site shut down? It would be lost! So I think this is a great idea they have come up with. You can personalize the pattern, if the cover is hard or soft, and it prints just as it looks on your blog - pictures and all.
Thinking outside the box. Now that I know this is an option I am going to start a blog for each of my children and print a book at the end of the year. This will help to document their childhood. This is much more my style than scrap-booking.
Tip: If you are going to start a childhood blog for printing like I am, either use the Blogger platform or make sure it is a public blog so the site can pull the feed to create the book.
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