Monday, March 24, 2008


i started this faith journey at Harmony Heights Baptist Church, Indep. MO. i was around 14 yrs. old and decided to attend a small little Baptist church. there i was "saved" and baptised a Christian. my next spiritual connection was at the LDS church that offered such love and a sense of family. they showed me how to live out that Baptismal commitment, how to stand up for my beliefs, how to not be afraid of being different, and to always chose the right. but i always longed for a spiritual "home". something that felt comfortable, that fit me, that was completely in-lne with my beliefs and how i felt inside. i then met my husband and his family and they showed me that home.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a program in the Catholic church to become Catholic. i have been in RCIA for almost three years and this Easter i exited that program. I recieved Confirmation and my First Communion. I am overwhelmed with joy, peace, and happiness. I want it to last and last. i know that work with start tomorrow and my life will go back to normal. i’ll have trials, sickness, bad days, i’ll sin again...but i know that through God’s grace and his sacraments I’ll be able to return to this feeling again and again. and i know one day it won’t go away and i’ll have it everlasting and that is pretty awesome!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me! Mostly Thank You to my loving husband. I look forward to creating a strong Catholic family of our own one day.

Hope you all had a blessed Easter! Peace Be With You!

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