O.K. this is the last time I try to talk sports with my husband. He definitely said that I should die my hair blonder. What-Ev! So here was my thought:
Right now the Boston Red Sox are playing the Toronto Blue Jays. We, of course, are cheering on the Sox. During the game I had a thought. The Blue Jays are in Canada. I’m not sure that is right. I mean. Isn’t baseball an American past time? So why is there a Canadian baseball team? Shouldn’t all the States have a chance to have a team before we start outsourcing our baseball to other countries? Like, what about Hawaii? I’m sure they’d like a team.
I know they like sports cuz they have college sports. They even host the Hawaii Bowl Game for college football. And they have to fly to play other college teams. So it doesn’t seem like travel would be that hard to figure out. They don’t even have a neighboring state with a professional team to root for. They are all alone. I think they should get a team before Canada. I know people would go see the game, cuz its fun and exciting and new. I mean if you get to see all the beautiful beach and scenery all the time I’m sure it gets boring and who couldn’t go for some sports!
So I think the Blue Jays should be sent to Hawaii. Then Alaska should have a chance at a team too. For the same reasons. Then let other countries have a team….I guess. Even though, like I said, it’s an American Pastime.
Don’t get me wrong. I think Canadians are great. We even have Canadian friends, so I am not prejudice against Canadians. I think they add a higher level of competition to our hockey. The competitive hockey did originate there. So I agree in letting them be a part of our Hockey league. It’s their specialty. They grew up on frozen ponds and shit. It would be boring for them to just have an American Hockey league and a Canadian Hockey league. Plus their talent gets spread around through the players to all the teams. The value of participating in Hockey with them is great. It makes sense. I don’t see that as the same thing with the baseball. Have you ever heard anyone super excited cuz they just drafted a really great Canadian baseball player? Cuz let’s face it. How often are those boys saying "fuck hockey, I’m going to devote all my time to play baseball on this frozen pond instead" I mean, really. It doesn’t happen. I don’t think they would mind giving their baseball team to Hawaii. I say, just give them another hockey team and call it even.
I can’t understand why Mike has such a problem with my rational deduction? Do you?
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