Tuesday, March 09, 2010

1st 'Rita in 9 Months

Yesterday was a great day. Mike was off work and we tackled alot of chores and financial things we needed to work on in enough time to enjoy an afternoon stroll through the neighborhood with Mr. Mason.

Mason has some gas and colic issues and he seems to have a period in the afternoon during which there is nothing you can do to calm him. He's fussy from around 11:30am to around 5pm. He wasn't really like this at first when we were trying to breastfeed. Its a new thing with switching him to formula. We have put him on Gentlease which is supposed to be easier on his tummy. Other changes I made are preemie nipples. Since he's such a good sucker, he was getting too much too fast and getting choked up and sucking in air. They seem to have helped ALOT. I've also been trying the gas drops. I'll let you know how these changes are working out.

Anyways, back to the point. This was the first afternoon Mike has been around to experience this lovely time of day with Mason. He was feeling a bit overwhelmed. It's hard to see them cry and not be able to fix it. So, we went for a family walk. Good news, it worked and Mike felt like a super awesome Dad for coming up with the idea. It turned out to be a great day...and night actually.

Last night our friends Curt and Lauren drove up from there little farm house (sidenote: I'm so jealous of their place. I've only seen pictures, but I totally want their home/land/pond/barn.) and brought us a home cooked meal of lasagna and cute little cupcakes with Mason's name on them. How freaking sweet are they! I feel so blessed to have such supportive friends. Times like these you really see people step-up and show you just how much they care about you. It's so heart-warming. Shout out to Curt and Lauren - We love you guys! Thank you!

After dinner, one of my BFF's Becca and her husband Chris sprung me loose from the house to have my first margarita in over 9 months. What a treat! Mike stayed home with Ma (my nickname for him...pronounced "May") and visited longer with Curt and Lauren while I snuck out for a little adult conversation and beverage. It tasted Fan-Tastic! I was cut off after drinking half of it. I didn't think drunken night time feedings and diaper changing sounded like a great idea. lol All and all, this was a great day and a great night...thanks to my wonderful hubby and big-hearted friends! :)

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