Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mason Likes to Boom Boom Pow...

Babies can dance! A new thing that Mason and I are doing everyday is dancing. I leave the radio on in the nursery and after every diaper change I hold Mason in my arms and we dance. I noticed that he loves "beats". He loves, loves, loves the Black Eyed Peas. His favorite song is Boom Boom Pow (video above). He smiles and moves his arms and really looks like he's having fun. When he's cranky it chills him out. I wondered if he was really enjoying this or if Momma was just really enjoying it. Well, I read an article about it and it turns out that babies are born to dance.

The article says "Babies may be born to dance. They respond more to the rhythm and tempo of music than they do to ordinary speech, according to a study of 120 infants younger than 2."

His liking of "beats" was also explained. They pick up more on the beat than anything else, even better than speech.

Again the article quoted "Our research suggests that it is the beat rather than other features of the music, such as the melody, that produces the response in infants," said Marcel Zentner, researcher and University of York psychologist in England, according to LiveScience. "We also found that the better the children were able to synchronize their movements with the music, the more they smiled."

I love to dance, not well...for fun. I love music as well. So I would play tunes for Mason while I was pregnant. I would put my blackberry on my belly. I even noticed that the spa relaxing tune I love, he loves. I would play it for him because I read that they would recognize a song if you played it alot while you were pregnant. Now I can play it and I can tell he is listening and he gets really clam.

I think this whole baby connection with music is pretty neat. Just wanted to share. I think everyone should dance with their baby. It will really lift up your spirits. Great bonding time! :)

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