Wednesday, March 03, 2010

He's Here!

Mason William Lee
Born February 18th, 2010
7 pounds 13 ounces
21.5 inches long

So my lil monkey Mason has finally arrived. His due date was originally Feb. 27th but he decided to come early. I was watching Shaun White's amazing halfpipe runs and maybe the excitement was just too much. My water broke and off we went to the hospital. Unfortunately I would come to find out after 19 hours of contractions a natural birth was just not going to happen. Though my water broke and the contractions came, active labor did not. So...I had a C-Section. Definitely not as scary as I thought...that whole being opened up while awake thing. Didn 't feel a thing! We are just so happy that he's here!
Mason is now 13 days old. Mike has been such a huge help, but he had to go back to work and I am trying to make new routines being home alone. Things are going good. Mason has sort of a spitting up thing going on. We started breastfeeding and my milk never really came in so now we are doing formula. It's been kind of a rough adjustment for him. I think even though we have low flow bottles the bottle is just a little fast for him. We have to take feeding really slow with lots of burp breaks to try to prevent him for spitting up like the exorcist. Other than that he is doing wonderful! Happy little guy!
As for me, I think I'm recovering well. Last Friday, 8 days after giving birth, I did venture out with Mike and Mason to a fish fry at the church. It was nice to be around people in public again. I think a visit to the Mexican restaurant is in order soon for a little Mommy time with a friend and a very large margarita. Since I'm not breastfeeding, I can do that! LOL :) Well, that's enough for now. I'll keep ya posted on life with baby...


Working Mama said...

Have you tried a little rice cereal in the milk? Mom said they were starting to do that at the hospital for babies to help with the spitting up. We started doing it with Will (never did with Rose and we thought she spit up like the Exorcist at times!) and the spitting up stopped! We put 1 1/3 scoops of rice cereal to 3 scoops of milk. tonight with Mason gone - you need it! He will be in great hands. Something we always did with the kids was when they were daytime napping, that DOES NOT equal quiet time! We kept the tv's on, the lights on, ran the vaccum if need be, whatever - especiallly the lights stayed on and forever the only time I put either in the crib (at least until 6 months of age) was at bedtime. That way (at least in my mind) crib = bedtime and night. Then at night time that was when the lights stayed dimmed, things were quieter (at least they were with Rose, Will gets the shaft on that b/c he has a 3 year old sister!) and we try to make night time as relaxing and soothing as possible. Good luck and let me know if you need anything!

Veronica said...

We had to use the "gentle-ease" formula with Camden. The doctor attempted to convince me that he was just colicky but I wasn't buying that. We went from "regular" formula to "soy" (made it so much worse) to the "gentle" and he finally felt better!

And like Amber said, daytime napping does not equal quiet time. That is SO true!

Good luck girl! And let us all know if you need anything! Sometimes it helps just to have adult conversation.