Sunday, March 14, 2010

3 Weeks and 3 Days

So Mason is now 3 weeks and 3 days. I cannot believe how much his looks have changed. I love his chubby lil cheeks. He is doing so much better with the fussies and spit-ups. Thank you so much for your advice. Changes I have made this past week have been life altering.

I bought more bottles so I can make batches and have them ready to rock in the fridge. So much easier!

Mason is a bit of a guzzler and he was getting too much too fast. So I changed the bottle nipples to preemie flow. He doesn't get choked up at all anymore. That was such a great change. He feels better and I know I do seeing him eating without getting all choked up. I also picked up a new mixer thing for mixing the formula. It mixes without shaking, suppose to put less air into the formula. He still spits-up from time to time but a normal amount instead of the exorcist spit-ups of before.

Another change we made was putting gas drops in his bottles. Wow, you guys were 100% right, these things are amazing! He does get fussy with gas still but the length of time and how often has definitely decreased by leaps and bounds. In those times I must say Jewel is my hero. Seriously, he LOVES his swing (thanks Eric and Steph) and his Jewel Lullaby CD (thank you Maria). I highly recommend it. :)

We are starting to get a schedule down. We have tummy-time and coffee after his first morning feeding. This lets him know that we are officially UP for the day. He knows the swing is fun and he does that during the day. The weather has unfortunately put a damper on our daily walk we were taking. I hear next weeks forecast calls for less rain...something I am really looking forward to. When daddy gets home we hang out with him and get ready for bedtime. He knows that dim lights and listening to Coldplay equals night time. When he gets all swaddled up in his bassinet he's out. I'm sure he doesn't really "know" all that stuff but we are going to stick with it. I think schedules are good for everyone and it's really more for me than him right now.

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