Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who Schedules Sleep? We do...

Mason is doing great. The spitting up and fussies are so much better. However, I am still not getting as much sleep as I need. They always tell you, "sleep when the baby sleeps". Take daytime naps to get the sleep in. Well, I'm not a robot that can turn sleep on and off in the matter of minutes and I have never been a napper. I suck at getting sleep during the daytime. Besides I'll be going to work soon and then there won't be daytime opportunities so what do I do then?

Well, Mike and I are trying something new. We did it for the first time last night. We sat on the couch while watching American Idol with his work schedule and we made ourselves sleep schedules. He works retail so sometimes he opens and sometimes he closes. So we made two sleeping scenarios, one for each.

Mike closes at work today so he didn't have to leave for work until after 9am. Last night I went to bed at 11pm after watching Castle. Mike stayed up until around 1am with Mason, fed him and then went to bed also. The first time Mason woke up wanting to eat was my shift. This was around 5am. I changed his diaper, fed him, and down to bed I went. Mike then woke up for work and took the next two feedings. When he was leaving I woke up for the day.

It worked SOOOO well. This works so much better than passing conversations of I'll get the next one. Knowing what my responsibility was and trusting him to do his part I was able to sleep more sound. We haven't tried our scenario for when he has the opening shift at work, but I'll keep you posted.

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