Wednesday, September 20, 2006

having a rough time lately. career isn't going the way i had hoped. ran out of real estate start up money before business started flowing. in need of a pay check. so now i'm looking into doing on-site agent work for new home builders with pay plus commission. waiting to hear back from an interview, the fingers are crossed, but they said they have three strong candidates so hopes are not up for that one.

feels like i've been treading water and that beautiful beach is still far out of reach. i'm a strong person. takes alot to break me, but i'm broken. broken and far from home. which makes everything feel 100 times worse. i'm beat down and desperate to get back to normalcy. whatever that is. take one step and get kicked two steps back. since my own personal strength is weak i've really been leaning hard on faith.

maybe this is a lesson to teach me that i really should do all things through Him. you know, ask and thou shall receive. still waiting for his reply...i'll keep you posted.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Just wanted to share some pictures with you of our 1st wedding anniversary. It was awesome! On your first wedding anniversary you are suppose to give a gift of paper. Mike made me a dozen paper roses in a vase and on each rose he wrote 10 things he loves about me and he got me card with a couple on the beach. I wrote down 100 Things I Love About Mike and I gave him something I had been holding on to for a long time. Since May of 2002 to be exact. Background: On 05/20/02 I was eating lunch at a Chinese place with my friend Mandy in Northern Kentucky while visiting. Mike and I had been dating for a few months. When it was time to open our fortune cookies Mandy convienced me to ask my cookie what was in store for me and Mike in the future. It said, "You will witness a special ceremony". Being the love crazy girls we were we decided that I should date the back of the fortune and hold on to it for good luck. I guess it worked because here we are celebrating our One Year Wedding Anniversary and I gave Mike that fortune in a frame as part of his anniversary gift. How perfect that one year anniversaries you are suppose to give paper! Enjoy the pics.



Monday, September 11, 2006

I was having a lazy day in the dorm. I was still sleepy and in my pj's when I heard banging on the doors down the hall. Since I lived on a sorority floor I opened my door and followed the girls as they were filing into my friend's room. On the TV I saw that the WTC had been hit by a plane. At that point in time they thought a small private plane. And then....the next plane hit while I was watching the news. The rest of my day was very somber. I went to my afternoon class to be with the guys in my major (fire safety was my major) and watch the news. It really hit hard sitting there in a room of my friends knowing that it could be anyone of them responding to an emergency like this. The next memory I have was for the one yr. anniversary I was at the FDIC fire conference in Indy. Where we went every year to volunteer and meet firemen from around the country. That year, some of them were there only in spirit and honored in a ceremony. I can still hear the sound of bag pipes and grown men weeping.....I'LL NEVER FORGET!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Her deep earth eyes
whisper hues of maple bark and leaf,
while wrinkles of smile grace her face,
and make it soft and loving.
She wears multi-hued clothing which makes me giggle,
but gathers compliments from aging women
who glare at their own dull fashion,
secretly disgusted at their lack of imagination.
She is a statue, strong and steady, making
others shrink when she speaks,
because they know she is right
and they believe in her words.
She has always been behind me,
enduring cold, metal bleachers to urge me on,
even if I felt that I wasnt good enough
to merit praise.
She has sat next to me, encouraged my intelligence
and made my art have meaning
with her approval.
She passed down to me her sense of justice,
and made me stronger.
Because of her, I never settle for less
than I deserve.
We have had wars and tears,
battles and scars,
but they have healed.
And she will always be
the soul within me,
my mother.

by Cathy S., Danville, VA

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I am now a licensed real estate agent, but that my friend is only half the battle. Now I have to market myself...get my name out there. It is hard to market yourself if you aren't making any money yet. Everything cost business cards, yard signs, desk fees, etc. So to fuel the marketing funds I have taken a little side job. Hold on to your seats kids! You're not ready for this... Sarah is a part time nanny. lol I do this on a on call basis. The service calls with jobs and I decided if I want to take them or not. I have also taken one job that will be a kind of permanent job for now. Crazy stuff! Who would have thought the chick everyone said doesn't have a motherly instinct in her body now takes care of lots of little ones of all kinds of ages. I love it, I really do! Pretty good money too! The perfect compliment/funding for my real estate until stuff gets rolling. That's a lot to take in...So I'll leave you to ponder this for a bit... :)