Thursday, April 05, 2007

Did you ever see that movie "40 Days" where Josh Hartnett (who's totally hott by the way) gives up sex for Lent? I did and I remember thinking "40 days, phew that's not that long." Boy was I wrong!

This Easter I decided to get involved with practicing Lent to prepare for Easter. I went to a little group talk about Lent after church to learn all about it. We talked about turning away from a worldly "crutch" that we use as a substitute for God in our lives, Replacing that "crutch" with prayer, and looking beyond ourselves to help others. I was so inspired I decided that I was going to give up my BIGGEST crutch. I was going to give up ALCOHOL.

I have been holding it together, but it has been so hard. Should I remind you that St. Patty's Day falls during Lent...yeah. That was tough, no green beer for me. People at work have even tried to help me find loop holes in my plan saying "technically you said alcohol, you could still have beer". Many a nights I've denied myself a calming glass of wine with dinner. Or my fave, a nice big Perfect Margarita from Applebee's.

For the giving back part, Mike gave up his morning coffee shack stop and he has taken the money he would have spent and put it aside to feed the hungry. I raised money for MADD with my 5K.

With Easter approaching I feel very proud that not even a drop of alcohol has touched these lips. I feel very connected with the events of this Easter and closer to God.
...but I think next year I'll give up my "Diet" instead.